

Campaign Background

Intellectual Property (IP) is a fundamental element in the growth of innovative companies. The road from idea to commercial product or service includes the key step of protecting the IP that is inherent to innovation. Because innovation and intellectual property are inextricably linked, countries that are global innovation leaders have robust IP systems. However, research has demonstrated that Canadian organizations are less aware of intellectual property than their U.S. counterparts, and are not as familiar with how IP applies to them or how they could better use IP to achieve their goals. Supporting the increased use of the IP system benefits the economy and supports a strong and vibrant IP profession in Canada.

The Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) believes that businesses need to consider IP as central to business planning as they would consider marketing, tax planning, or R&D to their overall strategy for business growth.

The campaign’s name and tagline Own it. and C’est à vous. and urls ownyourip.ca and votrePIcestavous.ca are a bold rallying call to Canadian companies to be fearless and future-focused. To own every step of their journey. It’s also sound advice to secure what belongs to them - their intellectual property – and a call to action to take those steps now before they lose their competitive advantage.

The first flight of the campaign initially launched a few years ago with two testimonial videos that were extremely well received, not long after a second flight was took off with more incredible videos and compelling IP testimonials and we are now thrilled to launch the latest video and share this important IP story with IPIC members and the public.


New Testimonial Video


Makatew Workshops turned to IP to protect their Indigenous name that was once taken away from them and through the experience of protecting their name saw the great value in working with an IP professional to guide them through this important process.

This video was developed in collaboration with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO).

EN YouTube link: https://youtu.be/UYJVa85R5p0          FR YouTube link: https://youtu.be/lISw-ygHK5c 


The Makatew Workshops Own it., video can easily be shared from all of IPIC's social media channels
including LinkedInTwitter, and Facebook 

All of the Own it., campaign testimonial videos can be found on the campaign’s microsite
at  ownyourip.ca  and   votrePIcestavous.ca


Own it., Campaign Hashtags

EN: #OwnYourIP            FR: #VotrePICestAVous


Own it., Campaign Microsites

EN: ownyourip.ca         FR: votrePIcestavous.ca 


IPIC Social Media Accounts

Twitter EN: https://twitter.com/IPIC_Canada          Twitter FR: https://twitter.com/IPIC_Canadafr 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ipiccanada 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ipic.canada 


Sample Own it., Campaign Twitter Posts

*We recommend including the campaign video link when applicable, campaign hashtag, and microsite link in your posts. You are also invited to please tag IPIC’s social media accounts listed just above. These posts include Twitter tags as examples but can easily be altered and posted to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.  

English   French
 #OwnYourIP story featuring Makatew Workshops @Makatew1 is one of perseverance, inspiration, and about how IP can not only protect your business but your past, your future, and your success. www.ownyourip.ca @IPIC_Canada @CIPO_Canada https://youtu.be/UYJVa85R5p0  
#VotrePICestAVous histoire de Makatew Workshops @Makatew1 est une de persévérance, d'inspiration et de la façon dont la #PI peut non seulement protéger votre entreprise, mais aussi votre passé et succès.www.votrepicestavous.ca @IPIC_Canadafr @OPIC_Canada https://youtu.be/lISw-ygHK5c
Makatew Workshops @Makatew1 turned to #IP to protect their Indigenous name. Learn about the value of working with an IP professional to guide businesses through this important process. www.ownyourip.ca #OwnYourIP @IPIC_Canada @CIPO_Canada https://youtu.be/UYJVa85R5p0   Makatew Workshops @Makatew1 se sont tournés vers la PI pour protéger leur nom autochtone. Découvrez l'intérêt de travailler avec un professionnel de la PI pour cet important processus. www.votrepicestavous.ca #VotrePICestAVous @IPIC_Canadafr @OPIC_Canada https://youtu.be/lISw-ygHK5c
You’ve spent precious time building your company from the ground up. You now need to protect it with strong #IP. Find out how to make your IP your competitive advantage: www.ownyourip.ca #OwnYourIP @IPIC_Canada    Vous avez passé un temps précieux à bâtir votre entreprise. Vous devez maintenant la protéger avec une #PI solide. Découvrez comment faire de votre PI votre avantage concurrentiel: www.votrePIcestavous.ca #VotrePICestAVous @IPIC_Canadafr
Your #IP refers to your patents, trademarks, copyright, industrial designs and similar rights — and it’s one of your business’ most valuable assets: www.ownyourip.ca #OwnYourIP @IPIC_Canada   Votre #PI comprend vos brevets, vos marques de commerce, vos droits d’auteur, vos dessins industriels et autres droits semblables, et elle constitue votre actif le plus important: www.votrePIcestavous.ca #VotrePICestAVous @IPIC_Canadafr
Treat your #IP as importantly in your business planning as you would your marketing, tax planning or R&D. Make it a part of your start-up checklist: www.ownyourip.ca #OwnYourIP @IPIC_Canada   Votre #PI est aussi importante dans votre planification des activités que votre marketing, votre planification fiscale ou votre R et D. Faites-en une partie de votre liste de vérification: www.votrePIcestavous.ca #VotrePICestAVous @IPIC_Canadafr
Your #IP is the foundation of your vision and your journey. It’s the element that sets your business apart from all others: www.ownyourip.ca #OwnYourIP @IPIC_Canada   Votre #PI s’appuie sur votre vision et votre cheminement. Elle est-ce qui distingue votre entreprise de toutes les autres: www.votrePIcestavous.ca #VotrePICestAVous @IPIC_Canadafr


Own it., Campaign Additional Resources

Turn to an IP Professional brochure

Your IP Checklist for Meeting with an IP Professional!

Find an IP Professional search tool 


Own it., Campaign Additional Visuals

Please click on any of the images below to save/download

Ownit-Makatew-LFT-EN4   Ownit-Makatew-LFT-FR
Ownit-CompetitiveAdvantage-LFT-EN   Ownit-CompetitiveAdvantage-LFT-FR
Ownit-general2023-LFT-EN   Ownit-general2023-LFT-FR
Ownit-MeetIPProfessional-LFT-EN   Ownit-MeetIPProfessional-LFT-FR
Ownit-TurnToIPProfessional-LFT-EN   Ownit-TurnToIPProfessional-LFT-FR
Ownit-Tools2023-LFT-EN   Ownit-Tools2023-LFT-FR


For more information about IPIC’s Own it., campaign please contact
IPIC’s Director of Communications & Member Services, Jesse Auguste, at jauguste@ipic.ca.