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May 26, 2021
IPIC Committee Profile: Young Practitioners Committee
Many facets of our industry have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, both from a business perspective as well as the more important personal perspective. We thought it would be interesting to take a deeper look into the current situation facing younger IP practitioners, particularly in light of the pandemic. To that end, we e-interviewed Richard Mar, Chair of the Young Practitioners Committee, to learn more about the work of the committee and the reality for our young practitioners.
June 12, 2020
Cost Deferral and Other Strategies For Your Patent Portfolio During COVID-19
COVID-19 is an event that came into existence suddenly and in a matter of months changed the way the world works. As a result, this unprecedented crisis is having a significant impact on the global economy. However, it is clear that the importance and value of innovation is not affected by this crisis and it is the businesses that best position themselves and protect their innovations that will emerge from this crisis as leaders.