Trademark Agent Exam Prep 2022

WEBINAR Trademarks

Learn to prepare for the Trademark Agent Qualifying Examination and gain an understanding of what the Trademark Agent Exam Board is looking for in a successful candidate. Take advantage of a unique opportunity to hear from a candidate who has achieved the highest mark overall in the Exam and from a past Exam Board member.

Chris Dejardin
Christopher T. Dejardin
Cassan Maclean IP Agency Inc.
Former Trademark Agent Exam Board Member


Jamie-Lynn Kraft
Tamara Winegust
Bereskin & Parr LLP
Recipient of the Foundation's Award for highest mark overall in the Trademark Agent Exam



The College of Patent Agents & Trademark Agents (CPATA) has set the following dates for the 2022 qualification exams. 

The forms and process for exam registration is accessible on the CPATA website.


Part A – October 19, 2022
Part B – October 20, 2022

All inquiries regarding the 2022 Trademark Agent Qualifying Examination should be directed to The College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents general registration inbox at