Trademark Agent Exam Prep 2020

Learn to prepare for the Trademark Agent Qualifying Examination and gain an understanding of what the Trademark Agent Exam Board is looking for in a successful candidate. Take advantage of a unique opportunity to hear from a candidate who has achieved the highest mark overall in the Exam and from a past Exam Board member.

Chris Dejardin
Christopher T. Dejardin
Cassan Maclean IP Agency Inc.
Former Trademark Agent Exam Board Member


Jamie-Lynn Kraft
Tamara Winegust
Bereskin & Parr LLP
Recipient of the Foundation's Award for highest mark overall in the Trademark Agent Exam



On June 26, 2020, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office published a notice on their website advising the Trademark Agent Qualifying Examination would take place on November 24, 2020.

In consideration of ongoing restrictions and physical distancing measures, the decision has been taken to proceed with the administration of the 2020 Trademark Agent Qualifying Examination electronically. In accordance with subsection 18(3) of Trademarks Regulations, the examination will take place online on November 24, 2020, for Part A and November 25, 2020, for Part B.

The exact nature and details of the electronic delivery will be communicated at a later date, well in advance of the exam sessions.