Coaching and Supporting Employees Through Difficult Times: An Interactive Workshop


Limited Registration

Join Jennifer Gervès-Keen, Master Corporate Executive Coach and Author of Show Up Like A Coach, for a dynamic workshop on coaching skills.

Given the current times that we all live and work in, there will be focus on remote coaching and supporting associates and staff through difficult times. Through this interactive workshop, you will:

  • Learn the difference between managing vs mentoring vs coaching - what to use, when and how?
  • Acquire foundational coaching skills through practice
  • Learn the benefits of remote coaching & tips for remote coaching
  • Obtain a toolkit to support employee wellness in our current environment

Continuing Professional Development

This program contains 1.5 hours Professionalism or Ethics where applicable:

Law Society of Ontario
Barreau du Québec1.5
Law Society of British Columbia1.5
Law Society of Saskatchewan**
Law Society of Manitoba1.5
Law Society of Alberta1.5
New York State CLE Board1.5

** An application for accreditation of the session will be submitted upon request by a participant


This organization has been approved as an Accredited Provider of Professionalism Content
by the Law Society of Ontario.